Industrial Hearing Testing


Industrial Hearing Screening, Noise Surveys and Custom Made Hearing Protection 

We perform workplace hearing screening and full hearing assessment for people working in noise and can provide noise surveys.

Industrial Hearing Screening.

We are able to help employers who have obligations under Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and Occupational Health and Safety regulations 2017. Audiometric testing is required under OHS regulations and must be provided at least every two years and within three months of an employee starting work at the employer’s cost. 

We are able to perform hearing screening on site in a suitably quiet room (we can use a sound level meter to determine whether the room is suitable) or in our mobile testing van, which we can bring to you. We can also provide hearing screening within our private hearing clinics. Testing is in accordance with AS/NZS 1269.4 and we provide reporting and test results allowing comparison between consecutive tests. We can provide full Audiological evaluations for employees where their hearing has dropped 15dB or more at 3, 4 or 6KHz over a two year period.

Industrial Noise Surveys.

Industrial Noise Survey’s involve measuring the noise levels around your workplace and giving advice on safe time durations with and without hearing protection and we can suggest ways of reducing noise to acceptable levels. Spot checks can be performed to determine whether hearing protection is required when using machines. 

Standard earmuffs and earplugs are rated according to how much they reduce noise. These ear protectors are usually marked with an SLC80 rating. For example, a pair of earmuffs with an SLC80 rating of 20 is suitable for noise levels of up to 100 decibels since they reduce the noise by 20 decibels to a more acceptable 80 decibels. Too much protection can cause communication problems and not enough can cause permanent damage to hearing, so it is important to find the right levels of protection.

Custom Made Hearing Protection and Ear Moulds.

It’s important to protect your hearing

It is well known that loud noise, such as recreational noises from loud music, firearm use as well as noisy engines, machinery, power tools and industrial noise can permanently damage your hearing.
We supply custom earplugs from ear impressions that are more comfortable and convenient to use than earmuffs or disposable plugs. We take the shape of your ear and canal to provide a durable, washable well fitting custom made plug.  
Earplugs can be made with acoustic filters to reduce sound but allow speech and music to be heard. Filters also prevent the wearer’s own voice from sounding hollow and difficult to monitor. Filters are available with 10, 15 and 25dB attenuation depending on individual needs. 

We make custom moulded ear plugs and ear moulds for:

  • hearing aids
  • reducing noise when at work or play without the bulk of earmuffs 
  • snore plugs to block out a noisy partner or neighbour while trying to sleep 
  • motorbike plugs to cut out wind, road and engine noise while riding
  • swim plugs to keep water out 
  • musician’s plugs and musician’s ear level monitors
  • plugs to keep headphone buds in your ears, while reducing background noise and giving a great bass sound. 
  • Shooter’s plugs 
  • Many other solutions available.
Clients include; engineers, factory workers, musicians, dentists, pilots, sound crews, tradesman, restaurant and nightclub employees, shooters, swimmers, surfers and anyone exposed to loud noise.


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